Ordering from Treble Clef

Due to security concerns, Treble Clef Music Press is not yet offering online music ordering.

We'll be glad to take your order by phone, fax, postal mail, or e-mail. See contact information below.

Please include the following information with your order:

Shipping: Shipping and handling charges, and North Carolina sales tax where applicable, will be added to your invoice.

We ship:

...or otherwise, at your request.

Thank you for your order!


Mailing address:

Treble Clef Music Press
Mary Lycan, Editor
415 Wesley Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-1521, USA

Phone: 919-932-5455
Fax: 919-932-5418
E-mail: mlycanclef@aol.com

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Web site designed by K. Jane Lycan